The internet connectivity has made the world a small place to live. With everything information being online, we can talk to anyone, discover and learn anything by sitting in our living room. India has the second highest in terms of internet connectivity. Further the addition of internet and technology has disrupted the education field and paved the way for the growth of digital education in the country.
The digitalization has made technology to push the boundaries for the convenience and easiness of others. In the midst of upgrading the systems, the education institutes have come up with ways to make education more accessible and affordable. Many institutions have started updating their learning process offering the best of the world. Moreover, government’s initiatives like the cherry on the top. Earlier education system was restricted to the blackboard with quarterly exams which is now replaced digital classrooms and regular assignments to track student’s progress.
All this transformation has led to the thriving EdTech companies coming in and flourishing the Indian ecosystem. In the past, The Indian education market has witnessed very less growth but thanks to digitalization for bringing fun to the learning. Children have always been influenced and inclined towards gaming, so EduTech start-ups are coming with products that are not only informative but gives engagement too.
No Geographical Boundaries
Internet is available to almost every part of the globe. The easy connectivity and telecom networks cheaper data plans have made for every human being who has a smartphone to access the internet. It has penetrated so well in our society that connects to the wide and vast section of the society where it is difficult for schools and colleges to be physically present.
EdTech has made education easily affordable and reachable to everyone. An online learning is not limited to boundaries hence crossing all the geographical barriers. Edutech has created something for everyone, students can even watch the missed lectures as well as stay ahead of the pack by learning through the internet. It saves time and money for the educators as well as learners.
Educators can also use this to teach students, prepare quick assignments, for creating customized lessons and creating curriculum. This will not only save their time but will also give ease to pay equal attention to each student, monitor their work and can come up with something that works well for their weak areas.
Edtech is the Future of Education System in India
Unlike like traditional methods, the online method gives more opportunities to learn and explore. The knowledge is not restricted to the books or examinations, there are edutech start-ups have come up with online teaching, learning and exam preparation website and applications. Since students differ in their learning capability, students can personalize the app and learn at their own pace by taking their own time.
EduTech is the future of education system in India as it is an easy and interesting way of learning. Moreover, it removes the stress that parents have that their child is just playing the game but is learning simultaneously. In order to be completely digitalized, the education system needs to pace up and move along with the technology.
Dr Madhukar G Angur is a founder and chancellor of Alliance University. He is a mentor and education entrepreneur for many young entrepreneurs. The latest news about Madhukar Angur is that he is planning to spread entrepreneurship education by backing up start-ups who are struggling to get necessary funding.


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