Entrepreneurship is one of the most trending topics that are floating around for a while. The advancement in technology and easy availability of resources are the major driving factors responsible for rising number of entrepreneurs in India. When it comes to owning your own business there are few questions that pop ups in the mind, what does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? What are the skills required? Let’s see the skills that must developed in the children, so that they become a successful entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurs endeavors to improve their skills in the business to stay ahead of the pack. To become an entrepreneur, one must have skills plus knowledge and how to use them together. Children learns a lot from their parents and surrounding around. You can start with a little by developing entrepreneurship skills with the help of activities and task, you can. Inculcating these small habits will help your children in developing those entrepreneurship skills over time.
  1. The Power Of Effective Communication
Never underestimate the power of a good communication. A communication is the basic building block of any business or personal relationships. An effective conversation helps in building impressive personality. So as to develop an entrepreneurship skills, parents must make their offspring aware of the importance of effective communication. This can be done by watching movies, reading, documentaries and social interaction.
  1. Creative Thinking And Innovation
To run a successful business, an entrepreneur must have two things – creativity and innovation. He must have a mind that gets out of the box ideas. It is responsible for creating the business plan on which their whole business lies. These two traits if developed since childhood can result in developing a creative and visionary mind. There are certain activities that your child can play to boost creativity in their mind.
  1. Resilience And Patience
Life is full of setbacks. So, whenever you come across a setback try to turn it into a comeback. An entrepreneur needs to be resilient, as he should get after being knocked down by any problem. Being resilient helps in overcoming all the obstacle and hitches coming in the way. Resilience and patience can together go a long way when it comes to entrepreneurship.
  1. Empathy And Giving Back
It is key qualities that every entrepreneur must possess. Empathy develops the leadership skills in the children which will help them in developing positive relationship with other and giving back. On the other hand, they will understand the importance of corporate social responsibility. These qualities will help him in managing their teams and companies.
  1. Setting objectives
Setting up short and long term and teaching to achieve them within the given timeline will help in them in the long run. Short term goal helps in channelling their power in the right direction which will keep them focused.
  1. Recognize Opportunities
For an entrepreneur, it is important for entrepreneurs to analyse and grab the right opportunity at the right time. The personality trait that differs and entrepreneur different from other is the ability to know when to step in and when to back off. That is something that can be taught to them for encashing the right opportunity at the right time.
Madhukar G Angur is the Chancellor and Founder of Alliance University, Bangalore. He is a mentor, an Ed-tech investor and an education entrepreneur. Dr Angur holds a wide range of expertise in edutech, fintech, healthcare, SAAS, blockchain etc. Madhukar Angur recent newsis about the latest investment plan for grooming the next-gen entrepreneurs by providing the necessary funding.


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