Educator has an ability to shape the present and change the future of the students. They are the sole source of enhancing and boosting the creativity and innovation in an individual. Books are a man’s best friend and when it comes to a teacher it is a need as well. So if you’re a tutor and is planning spent some alone time then these are some awesome education technology books that every tutor must get their hands-on.
  1. What Connected Educators Do Differently – Todd Whitaker, Jeffrey Zoul, and Jimmy Casas
The book has beautifully portrayed how it is like being an educator. The educator connects to the peers around the world using social media which eventually will result in your success. Moreover, the book will teach you how to develop your own personal and professional network for the share and exchange of information. On top of that you will gain some ideas and how you can contribute to the society for your welfare as well as students.
  1. Learning By Choice: 10 Ways Choice and Differentiation Create An Engaged Learning Experience for Every Student – A.J. Juliani
Our schools have been persistent when it comes to curriculum, standards and academics. The book presents 10 simple ways to turn your classrooms and give your students a personalized experience and focuses on student engagement more than anything else.
  1. Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times – Eric Sheninger
There hasn’t come much difference in the time when we talk about leadership. The only difference is in style and focus which has changed over time. – Eric Sheninger
The author has shared some Pillars of Digital Leadership which are required in order to transform the school culture, improve communication and engagement by various tools and promote learning through several ways.
  1. The Innovator’s Mindset: Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity – George Couros
In this book the author encourages educators and administrators to become forward-thinking leaders. This book is ideal for principal, teachers, administrators, educators who want to evolve a culture of innovation at their workplace. In addition to that, this book will help you in developing necessary skills that will help you in succeeding.
  1. Hacking Education: 10 Quick Fixes for Every School – Mark Barnes and Jennifer Gonzalez
The author of this book holds teaching experience and had discussed with hundreds of education leaders, came up with some quick fixes that can be used by schools and colleges. One plus point about the book is that an educator, teacher can implement and cater your everyday problems.
  1. The App Generation: How Today’s Youth Navigate Identity, Intimacy, and Imagination in a Digital World – Howard Gardner and Katie Davis
The book is written by professors. The book explains the thin line that exists between app-dependent versus app-enabled. The book contains the research on how this era is different from the one which existed before digitalization. Moreover, the book further encloses the drawback and benefit of the apps.
  1. Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools – Michael B. Horn and Heather Staker
Blended is a comprehensive guide for implementing blended learning techniques in K-12 classrooms. The book contains techniques how educators can implement online learning in the classrooms. This book will help you in building a more student-centred system alongwith the necessary steps required to build next generation of K-12 learning environments.
  1. Teaching with the Tools Kids Really Use: Learning With Web and Mobile Technologies – Susan J. Brooks-Young
Susan Brooks-Young has exclusively written this book for people who want to integrate today’s technologies to deliver relevant classroom instruction. The book highlights digital citizenship, right use of technology, priceless resource identifies and specific web 2.0 tools for supporting collaboration and communication in primary and secondary settings and includes the strategies for practical applications.
  1. School Culture Rewired: How to Define, Assess, and Transform It – Steve Gruenert and Todd Whitaker
The book contains culture-busting strategies helping teachers in adopting the positive attitude, outlooks and behaviours. The book helps in comparing between the culture you have, the type that you want, and the actions you need to take to bridge the two. The book will help you in creating and implementing a successful School Culture Rewiring Team.
  1. Education Nation: Six Leading Edges of Innovation in our Schools – Milton Chen and George Lucas
The book is about an innovator who worked at sesame Workshop and The George Lucas Educational Foundation opens a new dimension of learning. Learning is no longer confined to boundaries and learning is no longer limited to think beyond chairs, desks, and textbooks-and teachers.
  1. Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology: The Digital Revolution and Schooling in America – Allan Collins and Richard Halverson
The book is written by two clinical psychologists who also provides necessary guidance for parents and teachers. This book is a step by step detailed explanation of how to help children become successful risk-takers.
  1. Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives – John Palfrey and Urs Gasser
The book is based on the intensive original research including interviews with Digital Natives around the world. From highly philosophical to the purely practical, this book deals and explores the broad range of issues. This book is a must read for parents, teachers and adults who want to be a part of the present and future of digital future.
  1. Personal Learning Networks: Using the Power of Connections to Transform Education – Will Richardson and Rob Mancabelli
This book helps students and schools in transforming themselves with the help of internet. This book is gives you the strategies and the path that is needed to be used for internet learning. The book further explains how to build your own learning network and use that to optimize the learning outcome of students.
  1. Learn Like a PIRATE: Empower Your Students to Collaborate, Lead, and Succeed – Paul Solarz and Dave Burgess
In this book, educators will find out some new ways to develop some strategies for more student-oriented classroom where students will be inspired and empowered them to turn into confident collaborative leaders.
  1. Pure Genius: Building a Culture of Innovation and Taking 20% Time to the Next Level – Don Wettrick
Schools and colleges are following a student driven approach to improve the education standard of students. After reading this book you’ll develop an entire new perspective towards solving real-time problems. By incorporating the concepts explained in the book, you will be able to create free thinkers who can create new concepts and innovate products that can change the way we live.
Madhukar G Angur is a teacher, thought leader, an entrepreneur and chancellor and founder of Alliance University, Bangalore. Dr. Angur has invested in the start-ups in the field of Edu-Tech, Healthcare, Fintech, etc. Madhukar Angur holds an expertise in the field of education and wants to help companies who require financial aid.


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