5 Reasons Why Digitization Is a Must for Education Sector
Digitization has revolutionized the information world. It has made receiving and accessing information an easy task. Technology has made the world an easy place to live in, where every activity in every sector of every economy is being digitalized.
In the education sector, digitization has a major impact in imparting education in the modern world scene with the latest form of technology available.
The education system under function in the modern world or the digitized world is being programmed with innovative and technical support. It basically targets in delivering education to the masses according to their respective state of comfort.
Digitation has become the ‘IT’ factor in almost every sphere of the economy which is why the Education Sector should also be adopting it. The reason why digitization is a must for the education sector is summarized in 5 points.
Customization:  The digitized education system has made the process of education customer friendly, when compared to the earlier traditional mode of education.  The earlier generation was exposed to the education system that was introduced to us during the British rule, where the education system was rigid and classroom based.
The modern world offers digitalized education where the flow of education is smooth and fits in accordingly to the need of the customers.
Adaption towards technology:  Technology is a hyped word in the modern world. It has been implanted in various fields of operations. The education sector has imbibed technology in its operations too.
Technology has been adapted towards the learning methods which has made the learning interface user-friendly.
Practical approach: Digitisation has a practical approach towards the idea of education. It has a system of tracking the student’s performance and providing facilities according to the student’s needs. A student can choose their own tutor for the particular subject; take classes in their own comfortable time and also track their own performance.
Time saver: Digitisation has kept the factor of time in hand. It caters the need of the masses. Students from various parts and corner of the world look for education providers. Commuting to the education provider could be proven difficult, unaffordable in cases, but digitization has narrowed this gap by providing online a platform of education to even the remotest area.
Also, education courses are available at just a web-address away. Learning has been made possible via TV channels, online courses, online seminars, and sessions, etc.
Transparency: Digitisation keeps a track of a learning process. Information regarding a student’s performance is being made available to the students, the teachers, the management community and the parents as well.
It also provides an open interaction and reviews with respect to the education system thereby maintaining a healthy flow of information between the educator, the education receivers and other concerned involvements. This will contribute to the positive growth of the education system.
Dr. Madhukar G Angur is a teacher, a scholar, education entrepreneur, Chancellor and Founder of Alliance University, Bangalore. He has worked as a professor and scholar at many leading universities and presented many research paper and publications worldwide. Throughout his career, Madhukar Angur profile has shined like a star with many prestigious awards. Madhukar Angur latest news is that he is planning to become a mentor for young entrepreneurs and thinking to invest in the start-ups in the field of Edu-Tech, Fintech, etc.


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