Our education sector has been flourished with startups. When it comes to edutech sector, there is a neck to neck competition. While entering the market, some of them are just clueless and fail in the process. While venturing in, some startups need a piece of advice that will help in expanding their business.
So here are some tips that are given by startup founders which will help entrepreneurs in running a successful business.
  1. Solve a Real Problem
Matthew and Joseph Moheban, Co-Founders of 220 Youth Leadership said that “focus more on the concept, create a solution that solves a current problem with the domain. You can explore the tools and technology and build your own unique solution but you must have an amazing idea first”
  1. Get Comfortable With Everything Around
Aaron O’Hearn, Co-founder and CEO of Startup Institute’s advice, “Sometimes you will be forced to make decisions that you don’t support or without your proper understanding. As a CEO, you have to make peace with it and get along.”
  1. Everything is Not Just About You
One of the best pieces of advice anyone has given so far is by Ethan Austin, Co-founder and President of Give Forward said- “Don’t get carried away by the good or bad situations. You need to realize that luck plays an important role in your success and failure and that will make you humble and self-confident”
  1. Focus on What Matters
Jordan Fliegel, Founder of Coachup said, “Focus on building a product that people would like to have. Find people who can show confidence by investing in your product before you even build it”
Don’t build something that the world doesn’t need instead focus on something that will be purchased by all.
  1. Understand Your Audience
So-Young Kang, Founder of Gnowbe said, “Understand the demands of your learners and then build a product that suits a need of your learners. Every learner is not the same and you as an entrepreneur need to understand that. So, focus on a model that adds value to the domain”
      6. Be Passionate
Anurag Agarwal, Founder of Junior Explorers said, “Be passionate about your work. Passion and persistence are the keys to success. Embrace the change and work towards adding value to the company”.
  1. Define Your Product
Bharani Rajakumar, Founder of LearnBop said, “Put a clear and crisp description of your product; be sure of customer’s budget and how educators will use it in classrooms. Build a product that has a longer life and durability.
  1. Make Use of the Data
Karen Bdoyan, Founder of ShowMe said, “Data is important, analyze it and understand it. Unlike other industries, the industry is all about personalization.”
  1. Listen to feedback
Justin Chando, CEO of Chalkup said, “Listen to your audience, they never lie. Distribute the product to the audience and ask for their genuine feedback. This will helps you in making any improvements and make your product a little better”
Madhukar Angur is a Chancellor and Founder of Alliance University, Bangalore. Dr. Angur is a mentor and investor for the startups in the field of EduTech. Dr. Madhukar G angur is now looking forward to work towards the biggest challenges faced by the young entrepreneurs in Edtech industry by providing them with financial aid.


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